Friday, January 07, 2005

What I love about this city

I've lived in Toronto for going on a year and a half now, having relocated from Fredericton, NB - population just south of 50k. More people live on my street here in T.O. than in all of Fredericton. Kind of mind boggling when one thinks about it.

Freddy Beach (as it is popularly called), has a very small town feel. You can't go anywhere without running into at least 3 people you know. Which is great if you like those people, or even people in general. It also means everyone is interested and gossipy about what everyone else is doing.

I love the anonimity of this city. With 5 million people, it's pretty easy to fly under the radar. Everyone here is so self absorbed that no one cares what you do. The self absorbed part can be kind of a pain at times, but having lived the alternative, I'm all for it.

I also find it pretty tough to sink into pits of despair, self pity and so on. When you walk by homeless people every day, it's tough to feel sorry for your lot in life. There is constant reinforcement on how much worse off you could be, which really makes you appreciate what you have.

But I guess what I love most is the opportunities. Even in my current state of non-motivatedness, I know that there are hundreds of opportunities out there. I can leave the job I have now, and know I could find another. I know that there are more auditions just around the corner.

In a way that's bad, because it doesn't force me to chase down each opportunity before it disappears. But I do feel like I might be coming to the corner. And once I turn that corner, I think good things are going to happen.

Or they won't. Either way, there's a lot more chance of good things happening here than there were back in Freddy Beach. And as Martha would says - "Dat's a gud thang, beeyatch!" You see, she's gone all ghetto while in prison... oh never mind. I found it funny.


Blogger Action Randall said...

I've heard only good things about your town as well...
By the way, Martha is stupid fly.

January 07, 2005 12:44 p.m.  

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