Thursday, March 03, 2005

Mom! Why does the mail smell funny?

Oh Really?

Not sure how I feel about this. It all sounds very safe, and very above board, but the idea of shipping anthrax next to my CD's from Amazon just seems odd.

Despite assurances that this is common practice around the world, I'm pretty sure that it was not a well advertised one.

At least it's not CanadaPost. I still haven't gotten two books I ordered before Christmas.

In other shipping shennanigans, a friend of mine was asked to send yogurt through the mail. She found a piece of yarn in a single serving package, called the helpful 800 number, and they told her they would send her an envelope to mail it back to them.

She gets the envelope, and it's basically one of those foil cookie packages, with those fold over twist tie clips. It's got a stamp on it, so she follows the directions.

Now, I think that the people at the 800 number have a pool running on how many people they can get to send yogurt through the mail.

And I would not want to be the postie who has to sort and/or deliver that package in the middle of July.


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