Thursday, February 24, 2005

Tens (Revisited)

Here's another list... this time of the nicest compliments I've ever been paid. Thanks to everyone who's said these, regardless of whether I thought they were compliments at the time, or had the grace to thank you at the time.

And I'm pretty sure that some of these may not have been intended as compliments, but that's how I chose to take them.

Compliments are not an easy thing for anyone to accept fully, but I'm going to read these any time I get frustrated, irritated or down on myself.

1. "Of course you'll do well. You'll play just as hard as you work."
2. (In acting class) "Vagabond makes great eye contact; you get a real sense of connectedness.
3. "You've got great comic timing."
4. "... I've never met anyone less likely to allow politics impact a decision. It pisses people off having to deal with you!"
5. "You're my rock... you keep me anchored."
6. "I've never had a real big brother. I'm adopting you."
7. "You are the sweetest man I've ever known that I've never seen cry."
8. "I'm proud of him."
9. "You shot a twenty two minute film? And wrote it? And produced it? And it was your first film? You're nucking futs man, nucking futs."
10. "Though you disagree with nearly everything I say, I appreciate the fact you won't let me phone in an argument."


Blogger Action Randall said...

That's a great list.
My top 3:
3. You'd make a great front man for a rock band. (acquaintance said it out of nowhere)
2. You'd make a wonderful father (Ex said it. She sucks, but I'll still take the complement)
1. You should kiss more women. They would like it. (Kissing a girl a few weeks ago. She said this after I revealed that it had been a long time since I kissed anyone)

February 24, 2005 1:11 p.m.  
Blogger EcamirG said...

On the acting tip, I was once told that I "Do nothing well." That was the best compliment I've ever gotten from a performance standpoint.

(They meant, I hope, that when I'm onstage but not in the scene, I don't just look like an actor standing around doing nothing.)

February 24, 2005 3:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ol' softie.

February 24, 2005 6:49 p.m.  
Blogger Surly Canuck said...

Harley - Great list man!

G - That's a tough skill to perfect.

Mare - Bite me. =)

February 25, 2005 11:31 a.m.  

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