Thursday, February 10, 2005

Courtesy of the big friggin' Q

He's baaack!

Yes my stalwart readers, I have returned. A two day hiatus filled with all sorts of nasty cold/flu related activities, coupled with a fever topping out at 101.5 rendered me temporarily unavailable. I don't get sick often, but when I do, I certainly make up for it.

The last time I had a bug this bad was almost four years ago; the time before was four years prior to that. Guess I'm on the Olympian cycle.

Anyhow, not much interesting happened. I tried writing, but when I read it this morning, it was mostly gibberish. I think I knew that while I was writing it, but my Dristan induced funk wouldn't let me stop.

Yeah, that's it.

I doubt I'm going to last much longer at this job. Not that they'd let me go, but I see myself slowly phasing myself out. Of course, I've been off for four and a half days in the last three weeks, so that could be part of it. But I think I've had my fill here. I like the people (as much as I can), but there's no opportunity for advancement.

I struggle with that. I want a place where there's a chance for me to move up, grow, learn, all that good stuff. But on the flip side, I worry about how I'll feel if I have a great acting job come up. Of course, that's a dream until I get off my ass and get an agent.

I think it's that whole devil you know scenario. I know what it's like here. I can come to work in a complete daze, work to one tenth of my potential, and no one is likely to notice. Or if they do, they aren't likely to say much.

Which is a shame, really. I used to be such a Type A, push hard, results oriented and so on. I think my last job just sapped me of that. The last year and a half of it at least.

So, basically, I'm stalling. I drag my feet on contacting agents, because I'm afraid that no one will take me on. I drag my feet on looking for a new job because I'm afraid that I'll end up hating it. Or worse, I'll end up loving it and having to choose between that and the plum acting gig that will fall in my lap as soon as I really get going.

Of course, this would require me to get off my ass on all fronts. Not too sure how likely that is, but I recognize it, which is the first step.

Plus I've slacked off on the writing. I really shouldn't, I know that. But I'm blaming being sick. And looking for an apartment. And a new job. And working on my resume.

When you're a procrastinator, it's important to accomplish something worthwhile while you're avoiding doing something that is also worthwhile.


Blogger Jamie D. said...

Exactly. Just...well...exactly.

February 11, 2005 1:22 p.m.  

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