Monday, January 24, 2005

Better call my dentist

Okay, so I can be a bit of a jerk at times. But I try to limit my jerky tendencies to those who really deserve it.

Case in point; I went to the grocery story Sunday just after 1 in order to pick up cat food and football munchies. Gal and I grabbed the stuff, along with some extras. The place was a zoo (as always), so we counted our items, and sure enough we had less than the 16 allowed in the express lane.

Now, as a bit of backstory, I always end up in the slowest line. It doesn't matter if there are ten people in every other line, and two ahead of me in mine, I will be in that line for at least twenty minutes. I spend more time in lines at stores than I do actually trying to find things in the stores.

Anyhow, Clown ahead of Gal and I starts emptying his cart. I'm watching him, basically because I'm trying to ignore everything else. Hmmm... a dozen single serving yogurt, individually packaged, and scanned through separately. Two heads of lettuce. Three other bags of random produce. Two boxes of cereal, a bag of cookies, a package of cat treats. Two magazines, a package of gum, shampoo, toothpaste, a bottle of minced garlic and some children's cough syrop.

28 items. 28. Now, I was feeling kinda surly at the time, so I turn to Gal and say none to quietly - "Aren't we in the express line?" Not so loudly that anyone further away than 5 or so feet could hear me. Gal, the cashier, Clown, and Guy in line behind us.

Yep, she replies, knowing exactly what I'm referring to. Clown gets very still. He knows what we're talking about too.

"Maybe yogurt is all one item," I comment. There's no malice in my voice. I'm doing my best to just remain observant. Clown is now paying for his order, in cash. He actually pays exact change, foolishly proving that he does, in fact, know how to count.

He leaves the store, probably to go home and complain about the jerk standing in line behind him at the grocery store.

I think I'm going to take up a new hobby. I'm going to do my best to speak up against the boorish and inconsiderate, by ignoring my polite upbringing, and calling them on their behaviour.

Jerks who talk in movie theatre will be told in no uncertain terms to shut up or leave. Ditto for those who don't turn off their cell-phones or pagers.

Ignorant parents will be asked to take responsibility for their rampaging children.

Obnoxious restaurant patrons who feel the need to share intimate details of their lives with the entire dining public will be asked to use their indoor voices.

I don't want to be the manners police, but someone needs to step up, and it might as well be me.

I think that everyone who is tired of rude and boorish behaviour should start calling people on it. The inconsiderate and rude either don't know any better, or don't care. It's time they were educated, and learn that the rest of us aren't going to put up with it any more. I hope that we're the majority.

Otherwise, I'm going to get punched in the mouth a lot more than I thought. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to take a shot or three in order to try and improve things. I just hope that it doesn't have to be three a day.


Blogger PomHeart said...

see, by the time i think of something smarmy to say to those people the moment has come and gone. i can only shake my fist at their retreating shadow and curse my polite nature.

oh there are times when i get a word or two out in time, but those are few and far between... sigh

January 24, 2005 4:56 p.m.  
Blogger MooCow said...

Viva la resitiance!

Wow I can't spell today. Damn.

So far "operation leave trash in back of pickups taking up two parking spaces" is going quite well. I invite you all to join.

January 26, 2005 6:35 p.m.  

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