Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Some things

I'd like to present the Toronto Transit Commission with the following awards:
Meritous Citation for the avoidance of accidental displays of competence.
Burgundy Fellowship for adherence to the letter of their service promises as opposed to the spirit.
and finally The Silver Mass Transit Award for the pool to see how often they can cause passengers to take a tumble through jerky and erratic operation of all TTC Vehicles.

Way to go folks, way to go!

It's about -15 C in Toronto today. Seems like a perfect time to shut off the heat in our office. It's hard to type with these gloves on, I'll tell you what!

Saw a kid today with a Megadeth Ride the Lightning patch on his backpack. I'm officially a curmudgeon, as my first thought was "He can't wear that! He wasn't even born when that album came out!"

Am I old because there are kids entering high school who were born the same year I entered high school? Mare - How does teaching them feel?

I hate the cable company. Not in a normal every day type of hate, but more in a I'll dedicate my life to bringing you down hate.

That's it. Carry on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oho, my dear friend vaga of bond, let me tell you.

i have a kid in my homeroom who put "puppetz" on his yearbook cover... as in master of puppets, as in metallica. and they think i'm cool because i get the reference. really it's due to sean gates, monique gionet, jolene boisvert and the "metal hair" gang.

there are kids walking around every day with kurt cobain t-shirts who can't properly name the other two members of nirvana.

your alma mater and my current place of employment had a whole "90s week" this year, culminating in the grand event of the "90s dance". kids dressed up as spice girls. one came as david hasselhoff on baywatch (he was skinny so it was funny). i had to break up mosh pits on the dance floor more than once. this is what they think the 90s were.

but the thing is, when you're teaching kids that were born in 1990, as i do, all your references until 1996 are gone. they just don't get them. these kids were 1 year old during the first gulf war. they don't really remember bill clinton. up until last year, jean chretien was the only pm they'd ever known. they chat on msn as much as they call people on the phone, sometimes more. they have never known a time where the internet did not exist. they have never known a world without the simpsons and their concept of pop culture is framed accordingly. you have to think fast with these kids. soundbite. a lot. the snappier, the better. that's how they've learned, even more so than we did.

so, yeah, we're old. suck it up. it happens. but i'll tell you what... why don't you go first.

March 09, 2005 3:56 p.m.  
Blogger Scum said...

VS, if "the cable company" and your ISP are one in the same you have a partner in regards to point E, my friend. I shan't regale you (again) with my personally experienced story of their incompentence, poor service, and/or inablity to speak and understand the English language. Please, let's get together and plot their destruction.

I will say though, they live up to the level of service that their main competition (the dreaded "Satellite Company" {if it's not there yet, it will be soon}) offers. Were it a contest, they would be at a draw.

Mare, as I recall (and I'm sure I do so correctly)... If VS were to celebrate the day of his birth some 29 years and several months ago he would, indeed go first.

March 09, 2005 5:49 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why, land sakes, i do believe you are correct, scum.

March 09, 2005 7:55 p.m.  
Blogger Surly Canuck said...

While true, I haven't celebrated a changing of age since I was about 12.

That, and with a shave and a haircut, I don't look a day over one bit.

Plus I don't care. =)

March 10, 2005 12:38 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because I'm a curious bugger, I googled my own name and what do I see but THIS!

My name in someone's blog!

This is Monique and I'm WAY curious as to who this is.

Chances are you keep me guessing. People always teased me like this is HS.

*damn you teasers!*

April 06, 2005 7:51 p.m.  

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