Thursday, September 22, 2005

I don't make friends easily

Never have really. That's not to say I don't have great friends, I certainly do. I just don't make new friends with any sort of regularity.

I think a big part of it is that I don't like people. People for the most part are stupid, lazy, self-centered, rude, and can only be depended on to do what's best for themselves. I think it'd be more accurate to say that I hate people.

The events in New Orleans, and all along the Gulf Coast have only served to reinforce that for me. True, there have been some really great stories of heroic people, saving others, behaving selflessly and so on. But I think these stories appear a little more heroic than they are due to all of the bad shit that went down there as well. Humanity as animals.

All of this crap just makes me hate people more and more. If I go out in the city, there's bound to be at least a half dozen people who do something so painfully stupid, ignorant or self-centered that I want to beat them about the head with a shovel.

I am slowly in the process of developing Wal-Mart voice. Mare and Jenn both have teacher voice, designed to bring unruly children back to order; I'm getting WM voice to teach people the proper way to behave in public.

"Hey lady, less gawking, more getting-the-fuck-out-of-my-way."

"Mister, pay attention. The shit that is your brain is dribbling out your ear."

"Well done Captain Fuckwad, between you and your ill-behaved running and screaming spawn, you've done your best to ruin everyone's day."

Seriously people, the world is going to hell in a fucking hand cart, and your average person on the street seems too damned stupid to realize that they're not just on the street, they're *in* the friggin' street! Pedestrian 0, Chloronating the Gene Pool 1.

The thing that alarms me though is that I'm losing my filter. I was in Hell-I-mean-Wal-Mart the other day, and this kid was screeching at the top of his lungs because he couldn't have some toy. Mom was either oblivious, or had recently read the back cover of a new age parenting book that said you're supposed to ignore everything that pops out of your uterus. So at the top of my lungs (1.5) from three aisles over I shouted "Enough already!" and the kid shut up right away. I'm not a parent, I don't have any special skills other than a knowledge imparted by the back of my Dad's hand as to how children should behave in public.

I pulled one public temper tantrum when I was a kid. One. And my mom whacked my ass right in the store, marched me out to the car, and took me home. And at 4 years old, I suddenly knew what was acceptable in public, and what wasn't. My brother and sister were the same way. We were allowed one tantrum apiece, and that was it.

I don't advocate beating kids, but kids are not small adults. You can't reason with a 3 year old. You tell 'em what's what, and when they don't behave there have to be serious consequences to their actions. Kids who understand that there are consequences to their actions don't grow up to be teenagers who act out, adults who have no concept of reality or whatever.

If I ever become a multi-millionaire, I'm going to patrol parking lots with a sledge hammer. Every time someone does something stupid with there car, I will hit it with said sledge. And then write them a cheque to cover the damages.

Maybe I should hold out for billionaire.


Blogger Scum said...

Ahh, I love when you write... I was stifling laughs at work. Not very well, I might add.

September 22, 2005 12:56 p.m.  
Blogger Grampa said...

I testify!

September 22, 2005 2:10 p.m.  
Blogger PomHeart said...

i really out to post my plans for the eradication of stupid people... it's even got pictures!

September 22, 2005 2:50 p.m.  
Blogger canadianicewolf said...

I couldn't agree more on how much I hate Wal-mart - social assistance day or otherwise!

I also couldn't agree more on how much there has to be a shift in parenting skills or knowledge of any skills what so ever!

I also couldn't agree more that I'd be holding out for the billions before I implemented such a great plan.

September 23, 2005 8:09 a.m.  
Blogger Joanne said...

As a parent, I can't stand parents who let their children run wild. Perhaps I'm too strict, but my children are well-behaved (well most of the time, they ARE children afterall)

Today while waiting for Darrelyn at school, a 7 year-old took her brother's (5 year-old) hat and started hitting him with it as the mother just watched. They then starting on a rampage down the hall and hit Breanna on the way (accident) with no sorry or anything from the mother or the children! The mother just said, "cut it out" with no enforcement!


September 23, 2005 2:21 p.m.  
Blogger deanne said...

Hear hear man. I'm so fed up with people, and the way we're all just sliding downwards into utter shit.

I put it all on the-blame-the-parents thing that kicked off decades ago. See, back 'then', there was no questioning your childhood, it was just 'the way you were brought up'. Nowadays, everything is 'our parents fault'. So I wonder if all the non-parentage going on is just because parents sit and simper thinking "I don't want my children to blame me in the future!"

We've turned into a world of wet goddamn blankets.

September 24, 2005 6:28 a.m.  
Blogger Just Jan said...

I couldn't agree with you more on this subject. The lack of parenting anymore has gotten way out of hand....alot of the reason there are so many self centered people in the world that think everyone "owes" them something. It's no wonder we heard of and saw so many stories that break your heart in the Gulf.

Parents need to wake up!!

September 26, 2005 11:54 a.m.  
Blogger ~Moi~ said...

I was reading your post and thinking "wow you hate ppl that much! ... what a mean....." then I got to the point about the kids and lack of control and dicipline parents have on their kids.. then I breathed a "....oh i see, I agree with you now"
I agree. It is a cycle. Just look around us everyday. Stupid people come from stupid people. Or from good people who dont know how to parent properly... which will be stupid anyways since they should not have kids if they cant bring them up responsibly!
Power to ya for yelling at the kid!

September 30, 2005 12:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea who you are, where you are or what's going on but I just read this and completely agree with you.

(I'm also nowhere near being a parent)

Thanks for bringing some sense into the world

October 05, 2005 2:48 p.m.  

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