Monday, March 21, 2005

10 Days to Go

Yes, that's right, 10 days to moving day. I'm fairly confident I can make it through 10 days without committing a homicide. I mean, I'm at work for 7 of those days, which means I'll likely be too tired to commit a mercy killing when I get home.

The other three days I should be packing, so really, the time for cleaning the gene pool is winding down.

Those who read this blog who've known me for a while understand that subtlety is not necessarily my strong point. The rest of you have probably picked up on this as well.

The special version of Vagabond Subtlety ™ is somewhat akin (great word, no?) to the engagement of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Only less understated.

However, with age has come a sense of refinement and restraint. I've learned not to put myself in situations that would lead me to exercise (read unleash) my frustration with The Princess.

Case in point... she did a card reading for her boyfriend Saturday night. She then offered to do one for Gal, who graciously accepted. Apparently during the card reading, TP indicated that Gal might have problems in the future with a difficult partner.

Hmmmm.... project much?

Anyhow, she then offered (wisely through Gal) to read my cards. I politely declined; being as it was Gal who relayed the offer. It would have been somewhat more satisfying to laugh in TP's face, but in the interest of having the next 10 days pass as quietly as possible...

Anyhow, my early twenty-ish self would have taken up the offer, in order to ridicule and make faces at TP. I come from a background of champion eye rollers. Mom is the queen and Dad is the king of Eyerollia. Plus I've got that whole eyebrow are-you-shitting-me-or-are-you-just-stupid quirk.

So I passed on the offer.

However, there's been a bag of garbage sitting beside the door since early yesterday afternoon. Apparently the 40 trek down the hallway to the garbage chute is too much of a strain. If it's still there when I get home, it's moving into TP's bedroom.

If I have a good day, I'll even leave the garbage in the bag.


Blogger EcamirG said...


So you're saying she's not single.

Well, there's a couple hundred bucks in wasted airfare.

March 21, 2005 4:40 p.m.  
Blogger R.G. Ryan said...

"Plus I've got that whole eyebrow are-you-shitting-me-or-are-you-just-stupid quirk."

Dude...that's the best. I've perfected the art of the eyebrow-lift myself. It says so much without really revealing what you are thinking.

Hope I don't see a report about you on CNN. You know...easy-going blogger goes postal on roommates.

March 21, 2005 4:41 p.m.  
Blogger mare said...

dude. be nice. it's _just_ 10 days.

March 21, 2005 4:42 p.m.  
Blogger EcamirG said...

yeah. what with that "reasons i hate my flatmate" blog closed down, where am i going to go now for living-quarters angst?

March 21, 2005 5:53 p.m.  
Blogger Scum said...

"easy going"? Vagabond is easy going? Holy crapola... What's the world come to. I'll grant you restrained, but easy going? Maybe, but I don't know.

March 21, 2005 9:09 p.m.  

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