Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Friendship means sometimes having to say you're sorry

I was perusing the 'sphere and came across this post by Melina about friendship.

I've been thinking about this some recently. Mainly because I don't really think I've made any friends since I moved to Toronto. Not that I've been really trying all that hard (read at all), so I'm not really concerned.

What does tickle the nervous part of my mind, is that I'm fine with that. Gal and I have gone out with a couple different people, but we didn't really have a good time. and didn't particularly like the people.

It's been odd for me, as this is the first time I've ever had to/tried to make friends as part of a couple. Hell, it's the first time I've been part of a couple for longer than a couple of months at a time.

On the flip side, Gal and I keep each other company, so I'm not a hermit like I was before we met. Human contact is a good thing (get your minds out of the gutter, you dirty birds!)

Anyhow, is this a normal part of getting older? Not being interested in making new friends? I have enough trouble keeping up with the old friends (sorry!). And I mean old in both the having been friends with them for a decade and a half, and in the fact that they're all getting old(er). They're getting so old and wrinkley that they look like David Brinkley.

I've got to take at least a portion of the blame. The fact that I've become more and more of an introvert (in the Meyers Briggs sense) as I've gotten older has contributed.

That and the fact that most people are assholes. There's only room for one asshole in most friendships, and I prefer that asshole to be me.


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