Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Flash Fiction Challenge #5

The city was dark. Granted, the storm had knocked out the main generator hours ago. Ant like crews scurried about, doing their best to bring light back to life.

His reign over the city was coming to a close. Ultra-violence no longer carried the stigma it once had. He was certain he didn't want to rule over a city rife with gangs and junkies.

All due respect was no longer given. A man of his stature commanded a certain deference. His new lieutenants did not seem to understand this.

The old guard was passing. Burning out, bright loud fireworks fading into mid summer twilight.

The gangs didn't understand. Strength without restraint, influence without class, wealth without refinement were all pointless.

Cash was replacing wealth. Dirty paper replaced influence; anyone holding bills felt that they deserved respect. Common thieves all.

There was one solution; bring the world to it's knees. Free love, free hate, free expression; their time had come and gone. He would bring civilization to an end, emphasizing mass consumption and gluttony.

If the nouveau riche felt they were entitled because of the size of their bank account - let everyone feel entitled. The American Dream was a sham.

Could a man such as he bring it about? The end of civilization as he knew it? Simply to spite what mankind was becoming? Did one man have the will, the fortitude, the stomach to do such a thing? Why not? After all, wasn’t man due?

The lights flickered on.

This week's challenge:
1. Maximum length: 250 words.
2. The theme is: power
3. The time is: 1968
4. Within the story, you must use this text: all due respect.


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