Thursday, April 21, 2005

Study in Contrasts

I'm a late luncher. It's something I learned from working twelve hour shifts. The further back in your day that you can push lunch, the shorter the rest of the day will seem. I usually go for lunch sometime after two, grab a sandwich and/or go for a walk. What this has to do with the story below, I have no idea. Segue's are not always my strength.

Today, I had the opportunity to be walking behind a lovely young lady. I work in/near the fashion district, so it's not uncommon to see models wandering about the area. This one was exceptionally attractive, in a perfectly natural way. Not a hint of fake-plasticness about her in the slightest. Just an incredibly beautiful natural woman.

Now, if I weren't happily living with Gal, well... actually, I wouldn't have done anything. Let's not kid ourselves here; while I'm not above making an ass of myself, this young lady was so beautiful it was intimidating. Which for me is a big thing; I pride myself on being un-intimidate-able.*

The ubiquitous cell phone rings and she answers as we're waiting for the light to change. And what to my shocked and soon to be bleeding ears happens? She launches a most vile spew of invectives, cursing to make a bike messenger** from a Tarrantino film*** cover his ears.

I was taken aback! Shocked! Appalled! How could this beautiful creature use such language as to bring a tear (not of joy) to my eye?

I can swear, curse and so on with the best of them, given proper prodding... but I've never said some of the words she said in public! Her language made everyone waiting for the light to change uncomfortable, of that I'm sure.

The c word, the q word, the ever popular effer... it was all there and more. I've never gone from so attracted to so repulsed in such a short span before.

I guess it takes all kinds.****

*And if I am intimidated, I do my best to hide it.

**Bike messengers are the new sailors.

***Cause Quentin likes the cussin'

****I couldn't figure out how to work in "From the mouths of babes"


Blogger PomHeart said...

@#$%&*#%^@% $%&#!!!!! @#$%^*&#$!!!

that's all i'm gonna say on that vein.

April 21, 2005 4:53 p.m.  
Blogger Surly Canuck said...

Thanks Wendy... knew I could count on you. =)

April 22, 2005 12:32 p.m.  

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