Tuesday, May 24, 2005


(Warning, this will likely be a long rambly post, touching numerous subjects. If you don't like that, too bad)

Hoorah for it was a long weekend... not nearly long enough, but good none the less.

Made the mistake of trying to see the new Star Wars on Friday. I always forget how stupid people are. Actually, this was a case not so much of stupid, but of feeling they deserve special treatment. Get a grip folks, you're not special, no matter how much Mummy and Daddy may tell you are. And if you are special, you're exactly as special as the rest of us.

Bad movie. Blech. As much as I admire Lucas for creating an iconic world, and the incredible advances in technology, in my opinion the man cannot direct his way out of a sopping paper bag. Mercy George, no more.

Saturday was excellent. My audition finally came around for the white supremacist with the penchant for potty-mouthery. I'm of two minds about how the audition went. There was some cussing, including words that I rarely, if ever use. The audition was being run by two women, a sweet young lady, and a grandmotherly woman. Good calculated move on the director's part (I think). It made me focus more on the words themselves, and the importance of them. Excellent notes given during the audition, and they seemed pleased with what I did.

Unfortunately, I'm excited about the film and the character (who seems to have a lot of depth), and I think it would be a great and challenging role. It's making it hard to just forget about the audition, and not get butterflies every time the phone rings. I do love that feeling after a good audition though, so even if nothing comes of it, at least I've reminded myself that I enjoy auditioning for good parts (but still not beer commercials).

Best part of this production is it's shooting in July. I'm done work at the end of June; it might be nice to take July off if I get this and have a chance to do some work around the house on off shooting days, plus audition more and write.

Met with my scene partner for tomorrow, and had a great chat. We're both really excited about the scene which is a lot of fun. Plus it's always great to talk with like-minded people about acting.

I don't usually talk to 'civilians' about being an actor... I don't even usually mention it. The next question is generally 'What are you in?' or 'Would I have seen you in anything?'. Actors don't usually ask each other those questions; at least not right off.

I can't count the number of times I've responded to the second one with 'Not unless you watch obscure short films.' And then they sniff, as though you're not an actor unless they've seen you in something. Screw you Sunshine... I don't ask you whether you've worked on any computer networks I'd know? Or pumped gas into my car? I don't do this for you, or for recognition.

Anyhow, the scene partner and I had a great chat about our scene, our characters, how we like to work, what we love about acting, working in the big Smoke, and so on and so forth. It's a real pleasure to be able to talk shop with someone who's had similar experiences. And coincidence of coincidences, we share a birthday. Same year too, which was pretty cool.

It's nice to connect with other actors; and have a sort of short hand.

Sunday was pretty low-key, as was Monday as the weather's been miserable.

Bless the long weekend though... sleeping until 11 was such a treat.

So, I'm in a good frame of mind to start the work week, though that will likely change. Tonight is going to be spent combing the regular audition sites and crafting a letter for a couple of agent leads I have. Plus working on the Meme that Grimace has passed along.


Blogger Chris W said...

Blech? Aww... I think you've let your geek union membership lapse. :)

May 24, 2005 3:29 p.m.  
Blogger Surly Canuck said...

It's not that I didn't appreciate the special effects mastery, and there is a high coolness factor...

That being said, everything in between tended to negate what had come before it, and dig a hole for what would follow.

May 24, 2005 3:40 p.m.  
Blogger PomHeart said...

the original 3 didn't have the best special effects, and they kick all the new ones in the balls.

May 24, 2005 4:23 p.m.  
Blogger Chris W said...

I would have to say that I rate Revenge of the Sith above Return of the Jedi, on the whole. Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are way, waaay better than all the others though, of course.

May 25, 2005 9:42 a.m.  

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