Monday, August 22, 2005

Angel of the Silences

Sorry for the long quiet period, the vacation took a lot out of me. That and I've been trying to keep some semblance of order in my life while I'm gleefully unemployed, so I've been trying to keep my computer time structured. My apologies to you all, I have been lax in the whole blogging thing-a-ma-gummy.

Anywho, the job search is going so, so. Not really into it right now, but have managed to send out a dozen or so requests for auditions.

This past weekend was the first wedding in my family for 'The Kids'. My cousin got married, with all the requisite drama, and Gal got the meet the rest of the extended group of people I don't particularly like much. ;) Except for the fact that I couldn't get drunk no matter how hard I tried, a good time was had by all. Or at least Gal and I.

I'm going to make an effort (half-assed though it may be) to get back to regular posting. Thanks for all the lovely comments while I was taking my 'nap'.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Home Safe

Shh.... sleeping.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I needed this

Did I ever. The trip has been fantastic and very restful. Being here for a week is so much better than trying to squeeze a visit into two days.

It's great to reconnect with friends; even though we keep up on each other's blogs and I feel closer to them than I have in years, nothing really makes up for face to face hijinks.

I think that this little group of friends is a bit of an oddity (and not just because we're odd). Mare and I chatted a bit about this; none of us have inter-dated, we've all been friends of varying degrees since at least high school. Few of us are married, though right now I think is the most of us who have been in serious relationships. Few of us have kids.

It's kind of hard to define who are the Usual Suspects, and who are only occasional suspects. For the last few years for certain, I've only been an occasional suspect. Involved in the big events, but absent for the day to day stuff. Certainly there's been additions to the group, some of whom I've met over the last week. And they are all lovely people.

It's also nice to come home. Painful in some ways, wonderous in others, but all in all, pretty good for me.

As I was driving around earlier the week, taking in the changes to the city, I stopped a couple of different places that held strong memories for me. Most of the strongest memories come from a time when I wasn't exactly the happiest cat around. I thought to myself, you know, you've had some incredibly shitty times in this town... but almost immediately, I remembered all the good times as well. Now it's the good times I remember most clearly.

That's not to say I'm ready to come back. I've got too much to get out of my system first. But it's nice to know that things (and I) haven't changed so much that I wouldn't fit in if I did come back.

I guess I've made peace with the life I had here, the demons I wrestled with then are just wisps of memory. I don't feel like I'm running any more. I also realized how much I love the life I have now, and how ready I am to get back into it.

Bravo to you all for being the best friends I could hope for.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I'm going to be out of touch (but oddly enough, not out of time) for the next week, as I embark on a road trip out east.

I'll get myself on a regular posting schedule once I return, and will hopefully be able to regale you all with tales of my wayward travels and gypsy lifestyle.

And then I gotta find a job.
