Okay, I lied.
Well, not really. I just didn't pay attention when TP and her fiancee (hereafter TPF... (odd that particular acronym can also be used for That Poor Fu... err Fellow)) said that their movers were coming today.
So, with any luck, they will be gone before I get home, and I'll not have to see them again. Yea me!
Of course, last night they had to be their typical ignorant, inconsiderate selves. TP got home from work at around midnight, and proceeded to pack up dishes. Much clanking ensued.
The fact that TPF had spent the entire evening on his duff was not lost on me. So, I left the bedroom with the intention of gathering up the cat, and a little education.
See, Gal and I sleep with our door slightly ajar, to allow the cat the opportunity to exit the bedroom to use the facilities, have a midnight snack, etc...
So when TP and TPF are loud after we've gone to bed, there's really no sound barrier. Hence my frustration.
So I collected the cat, loudly telling him that it was time for us to go to bed, as Gal and I had to work in the morning, and needed some sleep.
He started as TP clanked some more dishes togther, and I soothed him, telling him I knew the loud noises were disturbing, but that it was alright, as we were going to bed.
This may seem odd to some of you; knowing that I often have a tendancy to be brutally direct. For some reason I've adopted this approach with TP.
The reason, really, is that if I tell her directly to stop being such an inconsiderate pain in the ass, she'll get all wide eyed and apologetic. "Oh, sorry, I didn't even think. I'll stop doing what I was doing right now!"
Sounds like a better solution no?
Well, the problem is that she'd then sulk and pout about the house for the next week and half. Again, not much of a problem for me, but a big problem for Gal. There's also that whole issue about my bullshit detector going off, and me having to ask her how she could be so stupid as to not realize that whatever she was doing might disturb others.
See, when TP starts a conversation with me, I reply with one word answers, until such time as I can leave the room (usually post haste). That's to avoid the whole bullshit detector going off. Gal hasn't been able to do that (being as they've known each other since before grade school).
So, in the interest of not making the whole year a miserable experience, I adopted this indirect method of communication (handy things, cats).
Now, I don't seem to be able to deal with her in any other fashion. I don't think she has any illusions as to what I think of her, seeing as she hasn't tried to engage me in conversation for about 4 months...
In any case, I don't matter no more!
TP and TPF will be out of Gal and my hair, hopefully forever. I'm sure TP will leave a 'nice' little note thanking us for being roommates, much like the card she gave us a week or so ago.
Rampant insincerity I can deal with. Hell, I've learned to bend it to my own means when the purpose suits me.
Joyous, joyous day! No more flatmates ever!
Vagabond: Victory is mine, victory is mine. Great day in the morning, victory is mine
Gal: Good morning, dear.
Vagabond: I drink from the keg of glory. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land
Gal: It's going to be an unbearable day